About Us
The St. Charles District Library provides free services to all residents living within the Brant, St. Charles, and Swan Creek Townships as well as the residents of the service area of the White Pine Library Cooperative with services available to all others for a fee of $75.00.
The library holds over 27,900 materials including books, movies, magazines, music CDs and audio books.
In total, over 47,526 items were checked out of the system during fiscal year 2010-2011. In addition to these items, thousands of people entered the library to utilize print and electronic reference resources, access the Internet through the Library’s high speed connection, enjoy state-of-the-art Wi-fi service, or participate in or attend one of the Library’s events.
Our friendly and professional staff is eager to serve you. Welcome to the St. Charles District Library!
Board Members:
- Richard Fulmer - President, Swan Creek Township
- Jennifer Rosser-Nesbit - Vice-president, St. Charles Township
- Joann Thibodeau- Treasurer, Brant Township
- Mary Moeller - Secretary, Brant Township
- Nancy Maul - Trustee, Swan Creek Township
- Lisa Soule - Trustee, St. Charles Township
Library Staff:
- Nannette Pretzer - Director
- Jenny Stroik - Circulation Clerk
- Elliot Brauer, Circulation Clerk
- Loretta Flory, Library Assistant
- Jennifer Starke, Youth Librarian